Diesel locomotive Tr 189 shunting ballast wagons down the turntable road on 23 April 2022
A brief article of photos that show some of the project work progressed over winter 2022.
Carriage A 1328
Over winter we:
- installed new window lights to all current window frames on the carriage,
- removed both bogies to inspect the wheelsets, journals, bearings and bogie frames
- sealed up a couple of random roof penetrations that we figure were provided to pass the flue pipes from stoves installed when the carriage was in non-revenue service
- installed around 6 double-seat frames and seat squabs and made a start on some temporary longitudinal timber slat seats.
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Anthony and Ray checking the brake system on carriage A 1328 on 17 September 2022.
Hugh McCracken
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Trust volunteers take a break for a group photo while checking and repairing the 'B' end bogie of carriage A 1328 on 27 April 2022.
Hugh McCracken
Wb loco work
New water tanks are being fabricated for Wb 299. The fireman's side tank is more advanced and being reassembled after blasting and painting. The driver's side tank is slowly progressing in between other project work.
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Wb tank components laid out in the workshop on 28 April 2022
Hugh McCracken
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Main driving wheelset for Wb 299 brought inside the workshop on 24 September 2022
Hugh McCracken