Over the weekend of 9 - 10 March 2019 we loaded six ballast wagons, getting ready for track work planned over the Autumn and Winter months.
We're planning to upgrade our 'road 4' track alongside the rail vehicle shed, with a view to its increased use - placing vehicles into the workshop shed, and for our regular monthly operating days.
Loading wagons with ballast stored on the loop formation - which in turn prepares this for track laying.
Loading 'downhill wagons' with ballast for road 4.
Tr189 shunting loaded ballast wagons into the loop.
Track ballasted at end of mainline, Sunday 10 March, with an extension planned over the next couple of months.
Ballast tamped through a joint on road 2 on 10 March 2019. Road 4, left, is next in line for attention. Locomotive Tr189 is pictured shunting vehicles near the workshop shed.