Annual Report 2011–2012

Double slip - Maymorn.

The centre-piece of the station yard at Maymorn - our double slip - currently under construction. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

Adopted: 3 October 2012

Chairperson's Report

The predominant physical project work for the Trust during 2011-2012 were focused on developing railway facilities at Maymorn, 6km northeast of Upper Hutt. In the future this will be the departure point for heritage train services that the Trust proposes to operate over the former railway route between Upper Hutt and Featherston. Maymorn station is ideally situated, connected to Upper Hutt, Wellington and the Wairarapa via current Tranz Metro passenger services, and only a short distance from the heritage railway route proper.

Facilities at Maymorn currently under development, whilst currently required for the construction phase, will be used without modification for the future railway operation. For example, the rail vehicle shed will eventually be used to store operational locomotives and carriages, and initial railway track being built will become our future mainline at the station building. Significant milestones were achieved for the rail vehicle shed during the year: completion of the main roof structure, installation of train doors and pedestrian doors � which means that we now have a secure facility. Once the rail vehicle shed and initial track developments are further advanced attention will turn to investigating ways in which to present local railway heritage to the public at the Maymorn site.

Significant work was also put into a connection route between Maymorn and the heritage railway formation towards Tunnel Gully. Extensive survey and engineering work was undertaken by Trust members to locate and design the route. It utilises available landforms between Maymorn and the historic railway formation as it passes into Greater Wellington Regional Council land near Tunnel Gully. The connection route was developed in conjunction with the Upper Hutt City Council's Maymorn Structure Plan � a multi-stage urban development for the Maymorn area centred on the railway station. We recommended that additional integration and connections be put in place so that the railway passes through a "railway reserve", highlighted and made prominent in the urban landscape - and so that visitors might be able to view the heritage railway operations first-hand from adjacent cycleways, paths and carriageways.

The Trust also put significant work into an application to Greater Wellington Regional Council for approval in principle to reinstate the railway from Maymorn to Summit. After public consultation and a report back on the application, we decided to withdraw the application as it stood. The Trust now has a much clearer picture of the work to be done to rebuild the former railway route. The information will be reviewed carefully and we will determine steps required to change, improve and enhance the heritage railway proposal.

Developments at Maymorn

key elements of the Maymorn development, including yard track, water vat, rail vehicle shed, station building, signal box and pedestrian crossing

The Maymorn operational base is important in a number of ways. It is the current focus of volunteer activity, which the Trust is entirely reliant upon for its future. Tranz Metro Wairarapa Line passenger services service Maymorn, which provides connection to and from Wellington, the Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa — and strategically, a future life-line for tourist visitation to the railway. The facilities under construction at Maymorn will protect the Trust’s current rail vehicle fleet, and facilitate their future restoration, operation and maintenance. Plans have also been prepared and resource consent approved for a large station building incorporating a visitor centre, historic and interpretative displays, and a cafe. These facilities will play a central role in the Trust’s future operations, being the departure point for a journey back in time over the historic Rimutaka Incline.

Rail Vehicle Shed

Tr 189 outside the rail vehicle shed.

Tr 189 stands outside the Maymorn rail vehicle shed. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

Rimutaka Trust, Community Owned

The rail vehicle shed at Maymorn has been the primary project for the Trust over the last four years. A huge amount of design work, engineering consultation, planning and project management has gone into the structure. The vast majority of the foundation work, component fabrication and final construction has been undertaken by volunteers working in their spare time. The decision to replicate an original 1911 New Zealand Railways 2-road engine shed design has paid dividends in that the Maymorn station has a real railway depot “feel” about it. The building will also complement future heritage railway operations.

we are indebted to Rimutaka Charitable Trust for their continued support for the project, with considerable funding put into the rail vehicle shed in particular.


end elevation and plan of workshop extension of rail vehicle shed

Whilst the exterior shell of the rail vehicle shed nears completion, attention has also been put into constructing future servicing facilities and a workshop extension attached to the south. The 15-metre long workshop structure will be of similar design to the rail vehicle shed and will give the appearance of a 4-road engine shed when viewed end-on. The rationale for the workshop is to provide space for a machine shop for future restoration and maintenance of locomotives, carriages and wagons.

There is a window of opportunity to efficiently construct the workshop, dovetailing onto structural work associated with the rail vehicle shed. Engineering approval and building consent have been relatively easy to obtain, in contrast to revisiting this work at a later date. Volunteers are also experienced with the required building work — but within two years this building work will be regulated and require licensed builders on the job. The workshop is also a condition of the Trust’s Resource Consent for rail activities at Maymorn.


Building our mainline track through the Maymorn yard towards Kaitoke is a tangible step we can make at this early stage in the railway’s development. The extent of the work achieved has been possible due to a great deal of support from the rail civil engineering industry. We are also fortunate to have Trust members skilled in both project management and track construction to plan and carry out this work. The extension of our future mainline track through the Maymorn station is helping to transform the current construction site into an operational base for our railway.

Major donations of track materials received from KiwiRail and Holcim (New Zealand) Limited have been used to extend the mainline at Maymorn station.

Double slip under construction at Maymorn

Double slip under construction at Maymorn. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

Proudly supported by Holcim (New Zealand) Ltd.

Route between Maymorn and heritage formation

Much work has also been put into the connection route between Maymorn and the heritage formation leading towards Tunnel Gully. The connection route is an essential component of the Rimutaka Incline Railway.

A preferred route has been identified and has been incorporated into the Upper Hutt City Council's Maymorn Structure Plan.

The structure plan proposes a multi-stage urban development for the Maymorn area, with a railway corridor for the Rimutaka Incline Railway climbing out of Maymorn station. We recommended that additional integration and connections be put in place so that the railway passes through a "railway reserve", highlighted and made prominent in the urban landscape — and so that visitors might be able to view the heritage railway operations first-hand from adjacent cycleways, paths and carriageways.

The railway reserve and associated walk and cycleway will enable additional connecting routes to be formed between the hub of the community — the railway station — the Greater Wellington Regional Council park land leading into Tunnel Gully, and the walkway proposed to be located along the historic railway route leading towards Mangaroa. This will reinforce and promote use of the existing Tranz Metro service for cycle and walking recreational activities to and from Maymorn station. Additionally, the Trust has incorporated a cycleway / walkway into its wider proposal for a heritage railway along the historic railway route to Kaitoke and Summit. Providing an adjacent cycle / path in the railway reserve will maintain the nature of the route as it passes through the Maymorn urban area. There will also be a significant public good in having the heritage railway operations viewable from the adjacent cycle / path.

heritage formation looking north from Maymorn on the climb to Tunnel Gully

Heritage railway formation looking north from Maymorn on the climb to Tunnel Gully. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

proposed railway reserve community integration

An impression of how the railway reserve could look in elevation � with reserve, cycle / path, berm and carriageway elements. Drawing: Ben Calcott.

Rail licence

The Trust has been a licenced rail operator and rail network provider since 26 June 2009. Operations have continued through the 2011-2012 year, which saw the Trust complete its first external annual safety assessment carried out by the New Zealand Transport Agency.

Thanks and acknowledgements

I would like to acknowledge and thank the Trustees for their substantial commitment to Rimutaka Incline Railway vision, and Trust members and friends who continue to support the railway both through donations and thousands of hours of voluntary effort per year. The Trust’s achievements to date have only been possible through their dedication and support.

Hugh McCracken

culvert on heritage formation between Maymorn and Tunnel Gully

Within a few years we hope to be crossing this historic culvert on heritage formation between Maymorn and Tunnel Gully.

Operational review

Operational management

The Trust’s activities and railway operation is managed through four committees:

The Land, Site, Fundraising and Rail Management committees rotate through a fortnightly meeting appointment, so that each committee meets every 10 weeks.


The Trust continues to develop its operational base at Maymorn. We have a long-term lease of much of the former Maymorn railway yard from New Zealand Railway Corporation (trading as Ontrack / KiwiRail). It is an ideal location from which to commence the railway, having potential to connect with the Wairarapa railway line, and being in close proximity to the former heritage railway route.

Connection route

The connection route between Maymorn and the heritage formation leading towards Tunnel Gully has seen further work this year. Exploratory survey work was undertaken by Trust members, to a level sufficient to prove the feasibility of the alignment incorporated into the Maymorn Structure Plan (as discussed earlier in this report). Data obtained from the survey was used to model the landforms and property boundaries, and a route designed to make best use of the available landforms, conform to minimum curvature (100m radius) and maximum gradient (1 in 35) restrictions, and connect in with the KiwiRail corridor and the heritage railway formation respectively. Between all these design restrictions sufficient route length has been obtained to regain the heritage railway formation as it climbs towards Tunnel Gully. The route is at the limits of conventional railway design standards, consistent with the remainder of the heritage route to Kaitoke and Summit.

proposed low flank route community integration

Proposed alignment of connection route climbing out of Maymorn, showing possible integration into a network of cycle / pathways, connecting into a walkway along the heritage railway formation that heads to the south up the Mangaroa Valley, and both railway and walkway connecting into Tunnel Gully. Drawing: Ben Calcott.

Rail licence

As mentioned in the Chairperson’s report, the railway has been operating under a full rail licence since 26 June 2009. A high-level safety case documents the nature of the licensed rail activities, including risk analysis and other appendices, and a safety system, along with codes, standards, training documents and other incorporated items provide detail on systems, policies and procedures for the day-to-day operation.

The current extent of rail operations at the Maymorn site is rather limited, but most of the risks associated with larger operations are present and are managed in a professional manner. This lays the ground-work for safe operation of a more extensive operation.


A number of rail personnel have been certified for a number of core duties, including Shunter, Shunt Driver, Locomotive Engineer, Train Inspector, Train Manager, Steward, Track Inspector and Track Maintainer.


On-the-job training has been carried out during the year, with rail personnel constructing track under supervision, and interim inspection of operational rail vehicles.

Safety Assessment

An ordinary external safety assessment was carried out for New Zealand Transport Agency in September 2011, and the Trust undertook an internal safety assessment of our own rail operations in May 2012, both of which have been completed.


Mainline track extending towards pedestrian crossing and access road

Mainline track near the Tranz Metro station, near the pedestrian crossing and access road. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

Significant progress has been made with track laying at the Maymorn site this year, work concentrating on starting our future mainline, whilst progress was also made with turnouts and track leading into the rail vehicle shed.


Further extension to mainline track is pending relocation of the site access road and entrance gate to the site.

Yard track

The yard track includes a double-slip, two turnouts and an initial two tracks leading into the shed. Work has started on most of these items. Survey and design work has been completed to locate track centres and intersection points for the mainline, track structures and plain track.

ladder road and track structures in yard throat


Hugh checking double slip drawing

Laying out the 91LB double slip, to drawing 89115 dating from the early 1970s. Centreline of the structure and each road was laid out on profile boards at each end of the work area, stringlines seen in the above. Photo: Glenn Fitzgerald.

Work continued this year on the key structure of the Maymorn station yard - a 91Lb double slip. The major donor asset, a single-slip, was purchased from KiwiRail in 2009. The slip frogs have been extensively reworked to give two servicable items. Closer and outer slip rails have been manufactured from plain rail. The outer frogs have been produced from old pattern fabricated frogs, the wing rails trimmed to the required dimensions. The major components of the structure were in place by the start of winter 2012. Connection to the existing mainline track and commissioning is planned for early in the 2012-2013 year.

Motor points of M5-pattern will be fitted, which will eventually be operable from an adjacent control panel, and can also be operated manually.

cutting and drilling closer rails

Cutting, drilling and straightening closer rails to couple the slip frogs to the outer frogs - January 2012.

Crowing, setting, cutting and drilling outer slip rails

Crowing, setting, cutting and drilling outer slip rails - March 2012.

Road 1 turnout

Work has continued on our road one turnout, giving access to both roads of the rail vehicle shed. The curved closer rail was cut to length, crowed to correct radius and fastened down, followed by the curved running rail. The set stock rail was manufactured from plain rail, and heel bolt holes drilled in both stock rails and the closer rails. All riser plates have been installed, both blades and Wynn Williams spring switch fitted and made operational. Only a few minor construction tasks remain to be completed before the structure can be commissioned and put into service.

road 1 turnout nearing completion

March 2012 - road 1 turnout nearing completion, blades fitted to stock rails, curved closer adjusted and tied down and mechanism installed.

Ben and Colin working on mechanism and straightening rail

Trust members working on road 1 turnout switch mechanism and straightening rail.

Next up is the road two turnout, which is located between the road one turnout and the double slip. A small amount of excavation was completed in May 2012 to prepare the formation and drainage. We have most of the components needed for the turnout, some of which have been laid out in place.

Rail vehicles

Tr 189 on road 1 of rail vehicle shed

Tr 189 on road 1 of rail vehicle shed. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

The Trust has brought together a collection of rail vehicles, many of which will in future take passengers on their journey over the Rimutaka Incline Railway. Other vehicles, such as the fleet of ballast wagons, will be used to build and maintain the railway line. Business needs, heritage value, authenticity and mechanical condition are some of the factors that have been considered when acquiring carriages, wagons, and latterly, locomotives.

The carriage fleet now totals seven, which when restored, will provide sufficient passenger accommodation for initial services. Carriage restoration work is pending completion of the rail vehicle shed and a thorough assessment of the fleet. A restoration plan will be developed, with priorities assigned based on carriage condition, anticipated traffic requirements and other factors. Restoration work will be hastened by facilities in our new workshop currently under construction.

On 17 September 2011 a third carriage, A1896, was brought into the rail vehicle shed, effectively protecting it from further deterioration. Our shunting locomotive, three carriages and a wagon are now housed in the shed, with plans to move further vehicles inside during Spring 2012. Three 56-foot steel carriages and a guards van are currently stored outside in our secure compound, pending completion of the inspection pit facilities.

All operational rail vehicles are now located on permanent track.

Shunting locomotive Tr 189

Tr189 was one of nine 20-tonne shunting locomotives built to this design at the New Zealand Railways Hillside Workshops in Dunedin during the 1970s. Working in the Manawatu for much of its life, it had been stored out of service in Wellington for over a year before being purchased by the Trust. Its road number was changed from 189 to 937 in the late 1970s, part of a system-wide renumbering associated with the introduction of a computerised Traffic Monitoring System (TMS).

The Trust purchased shunting locomotive Tr189 from KiwiRail in July 2010. Thanks are due to members and Rotary Upper Hutt who made substantial donations towards the purchase and transport of the locomotive. The locomotive was transported to Maymorn on 30 July 2010, and has been stored in the shed since its arrival. Pending closing in of the rail vehicle shed, the locomotive was cleaned down, bodywork repaired and repainted into a scheme closely resembling the original livery it received at Hillside Workshops during its construction.

Some parts had been removed from the locomotive during its last years with KiwiRail to keep other class members running. We have managed to source the majority of the missing parts including a replacement starter motor and compressor. Thankfully the engine is a Gardner Marine engine and we have been able to source parts from

A mechanical assessment has been undertaken to determine the condition of the locomotive, including all systems and components, present and missing. A team is drawing up a project plan to return the locomotive to operational order, which will require further funding to purchase a shortlist of missing components.

Interior and exterior painting work has been completed during the year. The floor in the cab has been replaced and the electrical system has been overhauled, with missing components replaced. There are a few minor jobs to complete on the electrical system and we still need to source a set of replacement batteries. Components of the cooling system have been overhauled, with work on the water pump currently underway. The air system has been tested and components that need overhaul have been identified. The oil cooling radiator has been removed and is awaiting overhaul.

A test run of the engine is planned for Spring 2012 and all going well the locomotive should be operating at Maymorn in 2013.

Shunting locomotive Tr189 seen outside the rail vehicle shed

Shunting locomotive Tr189 seen outside the rail vehicle shed on 3 December 2011. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

Glenn and Lionel checking out progress with water pump on Tr189

Trust members Glenn and Lionel checking out progress with water pump on Tr189

Ballast wagons

A start was made on cleaning down and painting our ballast wagon fleet during the year. Yc817 was moved into the shed to facilitate this work. Long hours have been spent scraping down layers of flaking paint and grime, and preparing the steelwork for painting. Steady progress has been made, with a return to 1960s era livery and signwriting. A mechanical assessment has been made, air brake system cleaned down and checked. A return to service is expected early in the 2012-2013 year.

Ron painting wagon Yc 817

Trust member Ron Jones busy with painting ballast wagon Yc817.

Rail vehicle stock 2010-2011 — Rimutaka Incline Railway
Original No TMS No Year outshopped Where built Arrival date at Maymorn Notes
A189 - 1884 NZR Workshops 9 September 2009 non-operational
A1896 A56113 1941 Otahuhu 20 Dec 2005 non-operational
A1914 AL2044 1940 Otahuhu 21 Dec 2005 non-operational
A1916 A56247 1939 Otahuhu 7 Dec 2005 non-operational
A1988 A56750 1943 Addington 9 Dec 2005 non-operational
A2000 A56868 1940 Addington 8 Dec 2005 non-operational
Aa1060 - 1909 Petone 4 May 2007 non-operational
F605 EA67715 1944 Otahuhu 23 Dec 2005 non-operational
GM63 ex-FM572 1977 Mitsubishi, Japan 3 April 2007 non-operational
GM96 ex-FM1070 1981 Daewoo, Korea 24 May 2006 non-operational
GM97 ex-FM1087 1981 Daewoo, Korea 20 May 2006 non-operational
Kp1497 KP6374 1961 England 27 July 2007 operational
Kp2118 KP12994 1965 Mitsubishi, Japan 9 August 2008 operational
Kp2589 KP17954 1966 Mitsubishi, Japan 8 August 2007 non-operational
Kp3638 ? 1967 Mitsubishi, Japan 8 August 2007 non-operational
Q1489 Q8019 1953 NZR 23 July 2006 operational
Q1534 Q8407 1953 NZR 23 July 2006 operational
Tr189 TR937 1976 Hillside 30 July 2010 non-operational
Wb292 - 1898 Baldwin Locomotive Works #16172 9 August 2008 non-operational
Wb299 - 1898 Baldwin Locomotive Works #16175 9 August 2008 non-operational
Wd356 - 1901 Baldwin Locomotive Works #19260 23 July 2006 non-operational
ww6955 - 1970s East Town Workshops 2009 operational
Yc726 YC308 1959 NZR 5 September 2007 operational
Yc760 YC654 1960 NZR 16 October 2007 operational
Yc782 YC1083 1959-1961 NZR 5 September 2007 operational
Yc789 YC1175 1959-1961 NZR 5 September 2007 operational
Yc795 YC1238 1959-1961 NZR 6 September 2007 operational
Yc817 YC1486 1959-1961 NZR 6 September 2007 operational
Yc825 YC1578 1959-1961 NZR 30 August 2007 operational
Yc845 YC1768 1961 NZR 30 August 2007 operational
Yc877 YC2139 1961 NZR 19 November 2007 operational
Yc878 YC2145 1961 NZR 28 September 2007 operational
Yc891 YC2289 1961 NZR 28 September 2007 operational
Yc895 YC2329 1961 NZR 31 October 2007 operational
Yc896 YC2335 1961 NZR 30 August 2007 operational

Rail Vehicle Shed

The 80-metre long, two-road rail vehicle shed is being constructed to securely store carriages, locomotives and other heritage rail vehicles, and to enable their restoration, maintenance and future operation. It will eventually be fitted out with inspection pits throughout much of its length and concrete floors. Construction of the 15x10-metre workshop is under way at the Upper Hutt end.

Construction work on the rail vehicle shed continued through the year. Wall cladding has been completed, the roof is "watertight" and the train doors have been installed. Road two inspection pit is able to be used, and the external shell is complete aside from gutters. As noted elsewhere, three carriages, a wagon and a locomotive are now housed in the shed. Volunteers have also benefitted from the shelter afforded by the shed and an increasing amount of rail vehicle maintenance work is being undertaken within.

The list of tasks remaining to be tackled to complete the shed are now significantly reduced.These include:

Inspection Pits

Work has continued on the 24-metre long inspection pit facility within the rail vehicle shed. A $11,000 grant towards this work received from Rimutaka Trust funded the concrete floors and long pit wall to the south end of the shed.

inspection pit floor and wall pour

Inspection pits as at August 2011, with road 2 nearing completion.

Inspection pit facilities under construction inside the rail vehicle shed.

On 15 October 2011 a large area of inspection pit floor was poured.

Rimutaka Trust, Community Owned

The Trust is indebted to Rimutaka Charitable Trust for their continued support for the Rimutaka Incline Railway project, with considerable funding put into the rail vehicle shed in particular.

floor and steps alongside road 2

By February 2012 a set of steps was in place connecting lower and upper floor areas.

inspection pit floor and wall pour

By the end of the year all columns were installed for road 1, long pit wall and upper floor slabs poured.

Work remaining to be done includes reinforcing mesh placement and pouring of concrete floors around road 2, as well as reinforcing placement, concrete formwork construction and concrete placement for the road 1 pit floor area and pit wall. All steelwork for road 1 has to be placed on the beam, accurately aligned, running rails brought in and placed in position.

Once completed the inspection pit facilities will be a tremendous asset for the Trust, enabling inspection, maintenance and repair activities to be carried out safely and efficiently. We are indebted to Rimutaka Charitable Trust, The Lottery Grants Board of New Zealand and Upper Hutt Cossie Club for supporting our work with these facilities.

Train doors

train door frame being lifted into position on front of rail vehicle shed

All four train doors have been clad and secured in position, thanks to Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for funding the cladding purchase. Photo: Hugh McCracken.

A considerable amount of work has gone into the four bi-folding train doors, with all components fabricated by Trust members. Welding and blasting / priming was conducted off-site by subcontractors, and the assembled frames transported back to site for fitting to the shed frame. The door frames were then lifted into position and fully painted, followed by ColorSteel® cladding. Door opening mechanisms have been designed and will be installed as time and resources permit. With the train doors in place the shed is now closed in, improving the security of the rail vehicles housed within.


workshop foundations

Work has continued on the workshop extension to the rail vehicle shed. Four small portal pod extensions have been added to the existing shed foundations, and a new row poured to the south side of the shed. A lot of of backfilling is required, but in the interim we plan to level out the foundation area with compacted fill. This will enable concrete trucks to access the wall sections and make the area safe for cherrypicker and other access equipment used for the main build.

Landscaping and replanting

native shrubs planted at pedestrian crossing

We are grateful for the continuing work of Bart Hogan and Graeme Bennett, who have looked after landscaping and replanting work at the Maymorn site. The front entrance to the site has been kept in a very presentable condition through the year, with lawns mowed and weeds kept under control. To the Kaitoke end of the site an area has been planted with native trees and shrubs. Once the plantings take hold the area will be relatively low-maintenance. It should provide a small habitat for native birds — and provide screening and privacy for neighbouring properties. We plan to carry out further planting at the site as earthworks are completed. Landscaping either side of the pedestrian crossing have also been planted with native shrubs.

Education and promotion

Web presence

Web site

The web site at is the Trust’s primary mechanism for the dissemination of information, and research outputs. This continues to be of benefit to both membership and the general public.

Search engine relevance (as returned by on 18 September 2012):

Photographs of physical progress with the Rimutaka Incline Railway have been published on Flickr: Rimutaka Incline Railway, a social media site enabling user-generated content, community and collaboration. A number of photo sets have been created, the principle ones being Head of steel covering track laying and Maymorn rail vehicle shed, which has had over 16,000 views by visitors to date.

A Flickr badge is embedded on the Trust’s web site, which has shown the three most recent photographs in the Maymorn rail vehicle shed set. Other options are possible and will be explored in the future.


The Trust has a Twitter profile: @rimutakaincline, with a history of more than 300 tweets, and more than 170 followers. In return, we follow and interact with close to a hundred other railways, locomotives, local businesses, local identities, politicians, railfans, Trust members and other people.


RailEx 2011

railex display

Photo: Hugh McCracken.

The Trust again had a display at the Railex Exhibition, this year held at the Porirua Kennel Club facilities at Porirua. A busy couple of days, with many people passing by our stand, and lots of conversations had with folk interested in our railway, and reminiscences of the old line over the Rimutaka�s. Our display featured current progress being made with the rail vehicle shed and mainline track at Maymorn, along with plans for stage 1 to Kaitoke.


Membership numbers total fifty — a reasonable number considering the hard work involved in developing our Maymorn site. We plan to continue to grow our membership base in 2012-2013. Membership has been available since the Trust’s incorporation in 2003.


Two newsletters were published during the year:

Newsletter 29 - September 2011

Newsletter 30 - May 2012

The newsletters were sent electronically to members and stakeholders wherever possible, and put up on the Trust’s website a short time after publication.

Trust Board


Hugh McCracken — Chairperson

Steve Porter — Deputy Chairperson

Clark Simmonds — Secretary

Barry Timms — Trustee and Treasurer

Ben Calcott — Trustee

Glenn Fitzgerald — Trustee

During the year we farewelled Colin Craddock as a Trustee. Colin has been a Trustee since the inception of the Trust, putting considerable energy into the Maymorn station development, promotional events during the launch of the railway in 2005. He continues to volunteer at the site, the results of which can be seen from the images included in this report.

Board meetings

Formal Trust meetings were held regularly through the year, with Special Trust meetings called from time to time to consider specific or pressing matters.



During the year a number of funding applications were made to: Cossie Club of Upper Hutt and Rimutaka Trust. Amounts granted are listed in the financial statements.

We are also grateful for ongoing financial support gifted by the Rotary Club of Upper Hutt, funding a substantial portion of the purchase of shunting locomotive Tr189.

We are most grateful to Trust members and supporters who have generously donated funds and materials.


The work of the Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust would not be possible without the ongoing support of local, regional and central organisations, and of course, the hard work of many volunteers. Support comes in many different forms, including donations and grants, both financial and in-kind, pro-bono technical and professional support and volunteer activity. We would like to thank the following organisations and people for their support:

Strategic partners

The Trust gratefully acknowledges the support of Upper Hutt City Council.

Principal Sponsors and partners

The Trust would like to thank the following principal sponsors and partners for their support in this and previous years:

NZ Lottery Grants Board Protection of carriages and other rail vehicles through grant for rail vehicle shed
Rimutaka Charitable Trust Continued support shown to the Trust, including significant funding towards the rail vehicle shed, carriage fleet and railway station design.
The Community Trust of Wellington Protection of carriages and other rail vehicles through grant for rail vehicle shed.
Hurlstone Earthmoving Limited Excavation of railway formation at Maymorn station.
Rotary Club of Upper Hutt Continued support shown to the Trust, including transport of sleeping carriage Aa1060 to site, purchase and transport of historic water vats and substantial contribution to purchase of shunting locomotive Tr189.
KiwiRail Donation of track materials for mainline and loop, Maymorn.
Holcim NZ Ltd Donation of ballast for mainline and loop, Maymorn.
Baldwin Steam Trust Lease of Baldwin steam locomotives dating from 1898 and 1901.
Other funders
Pelorus Trust Cladding for rail vehicle shed, Transport of ballast wagons to Maymorn
New Zealand Community Trust Sponsorship of ballast wagons
Rail Heritage Trust of New Zealand Ballast for mainline, loop and station throat: Maymorn station
Upper Hutt Lions Club Transport of carriage bogies from Huntly to Maymorn
Ron Greenwood Environmental Trust Native tree establishment projects at Maymorn and Summit.
Pro bono and other support
Upper Hutt City Council Assistance with building consent and building inspection fees for rail vehicle shed
Paino and Robertson Legal advice
Dunning Thornton Consultants Discounted engineering work associated with rail vehicle shed and workshop
KiwiRail Network Donation and discounted rates for surplus track, signalling and maintenance equipment
Forest and Bird, Upper Hutt branch Native tree establishment plantings at Maymorn
Chris Northmore Use of light truck and hiab
John de Graaff Assistance with concrete floor finishing in the rail vehicle shed.
Trust members We are indebted to Trust members for their significant contribution of voluntary work and donations.

Financial statements

Financial statements for the 2011-2012 year are available from our website at

Ballast wagon Yc817 overhaul progress

By the end of the 2011-2012 year ballast wagon Yc 817 paint work nearing completion, and start made on freeing up brake system ready for tests.