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Rail vehicle shed

Some of the team working on the rail vehicle shed

The rail vehicle shed at Maymorn has been one of the primary projects for the Trust over the last few years. A huge amount of design work, engineering consultation, planning and project management has gone into the structure. The vast majority of the foundation work, component fabrication and final construction has been undertaken by volunteers working in their spare time. The decision to replicate an original 1911 New Zealand Railways 2-road engine shed design has paid dividends in that the Maymorn station has a real railway depot “feel” about it. The building will also complement future heritage railway operations.

Recent posts

Carriage Aa1060 shifted in road 1 reshuffle

Road 1 in our rail vehicle shed received our attention on Saturday 11 May. Track was connected to the short length of temporary track that wooden sleeping carriage Aa1060 was stored on. 

A short shunt with Tr189 followed, hauling the carriage through to more permanent track at finished rail height.

This released a significant length of the shed for work over the winter months of 2013. Track will be connected up to the road 1 inspection pit as time and resources permit.

Both photographs: Glenn Fitzgerald

First workshop portal frames lifted into position

A long-awaited milestone - the first workshop portal frames lifted into position on Saturday 13 April 2013. A huge amount of planning, fundraising and preparation has gone into this part of the shed build, with most work done by Trust members.

The Trust is grateful for donations made towards the steelwork, welding, painting, transport and lift from: Pelorus Trust, The Lion Foundation, Rotary Club of Upper Hutt, the Upper Hutt Summer Carnival and Trust members.

Work progress 23 March 2013

Another fabulous Autumn day at Maymorn, no sign of the dry, warm weather breaking any time soon - as can be seen in the photo of our shunting locomotive Tr189 inside rail vehicle shed.

We turned our attention to rail vehicle shed tasks, which have been deferred to build the road 2 turnout, double slip and turntable road and other track for the Cyclops English Electric unit.

1898-vintage Baldwin steam locomotive moved into shed

On Saturday 16 February 2013 the frames of steam locomotive Wb 299 were moved inside the rail vehicle shed at Maymorn. This was made possible by track work completed earlier in the day.

This is the culmination of many years work on the shed and track, and adds to the number of historic rail vehicles in the shed.

August inspection pit concrete work

On Saturday morning we placed a further 3.5m3 of concrete into the inspection pit facilities under construction in our rail vehicle shed. This nearly completes the 24-metre long inspection pit wall (just 2m left at the Upper Hutt end) and we now have two of the five upper floor sections poured.