The cab front, side and back of 1898 Baldwin steam locomotive Wb 299 was on display at RailEx over the weekend of 19-20 November 2016. The display was prominent among the variety of exhibits in the Walter Nash Centre, in the middle of the large sports stadium.
The cab was popular with young and old, as visitors were welcome to try out the driver's seat and work the interactive display of lights, gauges and other artefacts.
New components for the display had been fabricated in the three months leading up to RailEx, as previously published in the article: "Cab work continues for steam loco Wb 299" published in September 2016. A set of CAD drawings have been prepared, referencing original Baldwin plans and measurements taken from photographs and original parts from the locomotive.
Following are a series of photographs showing work on the cab back and assembly of the display at RailEx.

New 6mm sheet steel marked out for the cab back on 27 September 2016.

Ray checks out progress with both windows cut out in the cab back on 1 October

Original cab back sheet off Wb 299, parts like the window surrounds will be incorporated into the rebuild.

Original window surround fitted to driver's side of the cab back sheet. Rivits will eventually replace the countersunk bolts.

Fitting the angle irons that were added above and below the back windows by NZR as strengthening

Both strengthening angles fitted up, ready for blasting and painting.

Cab front, side and back assembled for the first time on 18 November 2016, packing in to RailEx 2016.

Another view of the cab display during RailEx - along with other display materials

Reassembling the cab inside the workshop at Maymorn on 26 November, as an exhibit for visitors to the railway.