Lots of progress to report from Saturday 14 September 2013, a brilliantly fine Spring day as it turned out.
We're on track to lifting the last workshop portal frame at the end of September, most of the purlins, girts and braces prepared, and those that can be fitted before lifting have been. Preparations are also in hand for fitting barge boards, angles being fabricated and fitted to the purlins ahead of time. Anything that can be done on the ground is a savings!
Meanwhile work has also progressed on the inspection pits, with two last rails installed, completing the length of road 1. Three wagons are inside the shed being painted and repaired. Box wagon Kp2118 is having an all-over repaint, with the sides and roof just about complete, and the underframe of ballast wagon Yc817 is getting cleaned up and painted - the hard to get internal surfaces that get the heaviest corrosion.