During September we have connected the double slip at Maymorn to our existing mainline track. 91LB rail for the first trackset was drifted down to the turnout structure, sleepers respaced and fastened down.
Rather than drifting the remaining rails we are taking the opportunity to swap in six lengths of 50kg/m rail, so that the mainline is a consistent rail weight. The 91LB rail is also needed to build another turnout and to complete the inspection pits inside the rail vehicle shed.
There is a lot of preparation work to be done on the 50kg/m rail - selecting pairs, cutting to length, avoiding or taking account of thermit and flash-butt welds and drilling fishbolt holes.
We have another two weekend's work to complete the rail swap. Next up: completing the double slip and starting the road 2 turnout.

Glenn swapping out 91LB rail from mainline.