A long-awaited milestone - the first workshop portal frames lifted into position on Saturday 13 April 2013. A huge amount of planning, fundraising and preparation has gone into this part of the shed build, with most work done by Trust members.
The Trust is grateful for donations made towards the steelwork, welding, painting, transport and lift from: Pelorus Trust, The Lion Foundation, Rotary Club of Upper Hutt, the Upper Hutt Summer Carnival and Trust members.
Trust Chairperson Hugh McCracken cut and prepped the steel beams, including the critical knee and apex cuts, along with all steel plates, cleats and other components. The beams went to MJH Engineering for welding just before Easter, then blasted and primed on 9/10 April, and delivered to Maymorn on Thursday 11 April 2013.

Portal halves delivered to Maymorn on 11 April. Workshop foundations can be seen to the right of the photo. Photo: Glenn Fitzgerald.

Portal halves delivered to Maymorn on 11 April. Workshop foundations can be seen to the right of the photo. Photo: Glenn Fitzgerald.

We had a good number of trust volunteers assist with the portal lift. Shoring props were fitted to secure the end portal into position. Photo: Ben Calcott

Hammond Crane and Transport truck, lifting the second portal into position. A cherrypicker gave access to install DHS purlins to couple the two portals. All purlins and girts were fitted by the end of the day. Photo: Ben Calcott

Lowering the end portal onto studs set into portal pods on the morning of Saturday 13 April. Photo: Glenn Fitzgerald

On Sunday 14 April we connected the workshop portals to the existing rail vehicle shed with some fairly impressive stub beams. Photo: Glenn Fitzgerald.